
Saturday 7 February 2015

Then & Now

(Written somewhere between being on the road and being back)

I have no words to write,
I have so much to say,
Can't recount tales
Of today, or yesterday.
They say a picture is worth
A thousand words
I have so many to share,
But not sure how you'd interpret them
Not sure if you'd understand
Not sure that you'd care.

To understand, you needed to
Have lived my life this past year.
Experienced new suns, people,
Laughter and music,
Places, tastes, smells,
Colours, words, pleasures.
Tears have been shed,
Fears have been conquered.
New love has been discovered
In everything, in every place.

And now, now that I'm back here,
Trying to be present,
I have this constant queasy feeling
An ache that torments.
I yearn to be transported
To the time I started writing this,
A time of rapture
A time of bliss.
This numbness I feel
Needs to disappear pronto.

Friday 6 February 2015

Sunsets on open roads

Written during my trip, possibly while on a bus. Approximately completed on 16th Nov 2014

A new sunset everyday
A new place, new landscape.
My mind wanders,
It goes astray
Driving down this highway.

Random thoughts enter my mind
Empty promises and broken dreams.
Lost causes, doomed relationships,
And then amidst all of this I find
Newfound friendships that bind.

These sunsets evoke memories
They speak to me
They touch my soul.
I close my eyes
Enjoying the sensations that engulf me.

Dream or Reality

Written on my trip. Possibly edited & completed on 23rd Aug 2014

Dream or Reality?

I had a dream
I made it my reality.
Now people say
I'm living a tale
They say I need
A sense of normality.
They ask if I'm lost
They ask me what I'm looking for.
This is now my version
Of normality,
Of being grounded
To a reality
Unknown to all
But me.

This journey I've embarked on
It's sole purpose
Is to live a life
Of constant anticipation.
The excitement, the adrenaline
The fist pump moments
Is not the means to an end
But simply a way of living.
The further I go
The better I know
The more I look
The clearer I see.
This is exactly how
My world is meant to be.