
Friday 6 February 2015

Dream or Reality

Written on my trip. Possibly edited & completed on 23rd Aug 2014

Dream or Reality?

I had a dream
I made it my reality.
Now people say
I'm living a tale
They say I need
A sense of normality.
They ask if I'm lost
They ask me what I'm looking for.
This is now my version
Of normality,
Of being grounded
To a reality
Unknown to all
But me.

This journey I've embarked on
It's sole purpose
Is to live a life
Of constant anticipation.
The excitement, the adrenaline
The fist pump moments
Is not the means to an end
But simply a way of living.
The further I go
The better I know
The more I look
The clearer I see.
This is exactly how
My world is meant to be.

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