
Thursday 26 April 2012

All or nothing

The problem I have is that I can't seem to pick anything in the middle. It's got to be extremes. I've either wanted it all, and if I couldn't have it all I'd do without. I often wonder if that's the correct approach  but just can't seem to change. I fail to understand how one simply settles. Perhaps that's the reason I'm not relationship material. Even in my friendships I am the same. I'm either attached or cold. Same with my career. It's either failure and move on, or success. Mediocrity doesn't exist in my world, at least I've never stood for it. Perhaps one day I will get used to rejection, failure, and mediocre will suffice. Today, enough, simply doesn't exist in my vocabulary. I choose to fall, bruise, and get up. I'm the most stubborn person I know. For now, I'll have it all.

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