
Saturday 28 April 2012

To New Beginnings

A few years ago I decided to shut myself from the world. Held on to the handful of friends I already had, made cautious and sensible choices. I was a Miss Goody-Two-Shoes to the world. It's taken me quite a few years to wake up and realize that the only person who missed out was me.  I've finally opened my eyes to all that's waiting to be explored by me.

Now I choose to live life with a bit more reckless abandon. Still somewhat cautious, but less serious about life. Still making sensible choices, but this time basing them on intuition as well as logic. I don't regret any of my decisions in the past, they've made me the person I am today. I guess I needed to take that time to shut myself in, I guess I wasn't completely ready to let go. Don't know if I'll ever be at the stage where I'll completely let go, but at least I'll make an effort to do things differently. I'll make an effort to put myself out there and enjoy all of life's fragrances and flavours. I'm so glad to begin this new chapter.

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